Blood-borne diseases - Infection risk

This page contains frequently asked questions on infection risk from blood-borne diseases

Contact dermatitis

Dermatitis simply means inflammation of the skin. 

Diseases and health - Frequently asked questions

This page contains frequently asked questions on diseases and health.

Hepatitis B in the workplace - Frequently asked questions

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease that is commonly transmitted through blood to blood contact.

Managing COVID-19 risks in the workplace

Employers, or persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), have a duty under work health and safety (WHS) legislation to eliminate or, if that is not…

Mosquito-borne diseases

The types of mosquito-borne diseases that are in Western Australia, symptoms and how to reduce the risk of disease.

Mould at work

Moulds (also called molds, fungi or mildew) are organisms that belong to the fungi kingdom and are neither plants nor animals.

Occupational asthma

Asthma is a condition of the lungs where the airways to the lung narrow and cause symptoms of coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness. 

Work and cancer

'Cancer' is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control. The term cancer covers a range of different diseases. There are a number of…

Workplace zoonoses

Zoonoses are infectious diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans. There are about 50 types of zoonoses that have been recorded in Australia.