Managing statutory positions on mine sites

What happens if a mine operator does not have sufficient eligible people to appoint to statutory positions?

If a mine operator does not have enough eligible people to appoint, departmental inspectors will initially take a supportive and educative approach in assisting industry compliance.  However, it is crucial to ensure appropriately qualified and experienced persons are working in these roles to maintain health and safety.

How are an operation's statutory appointments to be recorded?

Statutory appointments must be recorded in the operation’s mine safety management system (MSMS).  The Safety Regulation System (SRS) can be used as part of the MSMS for this purpose.

Note: Bulk uploads of appointments to the SRS are not available.

What does 'at or near a mine' mean for site senior executives?

The site senior executive must be available to manage the mine, and 'at or near' is defined by the unique scenarios of each mine's location and operation. Operators must use a risk-based approach to determine what constitutes being 'at or near' the mine. Typically, the site senior executive or their alternate must be in close enough proximity to attend the site in order to manage an emergency if necessary.