Hazardous manual tasks

Most jobs involve doing some manual tasks. Manual tasks cover many activities, including stacking shelves, working on a conveyor line and entering data into a…

Manual tasks - Toolkits and information resources

This page lists resources available on manual tasks

Manual tasks in construction

The construction industry is labour intensive.

Manual tasks in healthcare and social assistance

Healthcare and social assistance workers may be exposed to a range of hazards depending on the services provided, the location of the workplace and the clients

Manual tasks in manufacturing

Body stressing injuries as a result of performing manual tasks is highest cause of serious and severe injury in manufacturing.  

Manual tasks in mining

Injuries from performing manual tasks at work are a significant burden for the Western Australian Mining Industry.

Manual tasks in retail and wholesale

Body-stressing injuries resulting from manual tasks are the highest cause of injury in retail and wholesale industries.

Manual tasks in the food service industry

Injuries from hazardous manual tasks (Musculoskeletal disorders) are the highest cause of lost time injury to workers in the food industry.

Manual tasks in transport

Body stressing injuries as a result of performing manual tasks is highest cause of injury in transport workers.

Office ergonomics

Computer use is considered a manual task. Computer work can expose workers to prolonged awkward postures, sustained postures and repetitive movement.