When is a dangerous good site licence required?

Unless otherwise exempted, a place must be licensed if dangerous goods are stored or handled at the site in quantities that exceed the manifest quantities.

Dangerous goods pipeline

Under the Storage and Handling Regulations, a person must not operate a dangerous goods pipeline to carry dangerous goods unless the pipeline is registered.

Dangerous goods in ports (special berth)

Guidance for berth operators, in particular, and consignors and importers understand their regulatory duties when handling explosion risk goods (ERGs) at a spec

Notifying that critical quantity of Schedule 1 substances will be exceeded

Places that intend to have quantities of Schedule 1 substances greater than the critical quantity are required to notify the Chief Officer.

Role of accredited dangerous goods consultants

The role of accredited dangerous goods consultant is to assess and endorse licence applications for the storage and handling of dangerous goods, explosives and

Requirements for dangerous goods storage and handling licences

Requirements for dangerous goods storage and handling licences.

Preparing for a dangerous goods storage and handling inspection or audit

This page is designed to assist industry prepare the required information necessary for a storage and handling inspection by dangerous goods officers.