Agricultural chemical transport

Most farms use some form of dangerous goods, either to operate machinery or to control weeds or pests. Dangerous goods are substances that have properties that can be dangerous or hazardous to health if not transported, stored and handled safely.

There are seasonal upsurges in the transport of transport of agricultural chemicals (agchem); of herbicides, insecticides, fumigants and emulsions or solvents for spraying applicators, to ensure availability of these products to farmers in large horticultural, broad acre and irrigation districts.

Consulting with workers: PAGEO

Consultation is a collaborative process between operators of petroleum and geothermal energy facilities and their workers. It involves sharing information and ensuring that views of workers are taken into account when making decisions. 

The Work Health and Safety (Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Operations) Regulations (WHS PAGEO Regulations) requires operators to involve workers by consulting:

Nomination of an operator

Under the WHS PAGEO regulations no work is permitted on a facility or operation unless the nomination of an operator has been accepted by the regulator and the nominated operator has been added to the register being maintained by the regulator [r. 20].

It should be noted that this requirement over-rides any previous registration of operators that may have taken place when applying for pipeline licences etc.

Safe Work Month

National Safe Work Month is held annually in October to encourage employers and workers to promote positive work health and safety in the workplace and to raise awareness about topical issues. 

Western Australia adopts its own theme for Safe Work Month, reflecting the health and safety priorities and matters of interest for the State. The 2024 theme was ‘Health and safety is everybody’s business’.