'Additional' dangerous incidents for petroleum and geothermal energy operations

Last updated: 18 December 2024

In addition to notifiable incidents, petroleum and geothermal energy operations have two further notification requirements. They need to report ‘notifiable occurrences’ and additional ‘dangerous incidents’.

Additional dangerous incidents include:

  • the collapse, overturning or collision of any marine vessel or plant that forms part of a facility
  • the inrush of petroleum, gas, water, steam or mud into a facility
  • an incident where the safe operating parameters of a facility are exceeded.

Notifiable occurrence

Petroleum and geothermal energy operations must also report a notifiable occurrence. 

A notifiable occurrence is an unplanned event or situation that results in or has the potential to result in injury, ill health, damage or loss.

An incident should first be assessed to determine whether it is a notifiable incident, and if it is not, then whether it is a notifiable occurrence.

Learn more about notifiable occurrence.

Report an incident to WorkSafe

Use the Incident notification: Interpretive guideline for an overview on mandatory reporting requirements for incidents that must be notified to the regulator under the work health and safety legislation.
