No diving is permitted until there is an approved or accepted diving project plan (DPP) in place. The DPP must describe each diving operation that is part of the diving project. If necessary a separate DPP for each start-up notice may be required if significant changes to the diving work scope, location, equipment or procedures are applicable. The contents of the DPP for a diving project are specified in WHS PAGEO Regulation 83.
Diving start-up notices: Guidance
This guide provides advice to diving contractors on the preparation and lodgement requirements of diving start-up notices.
Further Information
- Petroleum and geothermal energy operations interpretive guidelines
These interpretive guidelines will assist onshore and offshore petroleum, pipeline and geothermal energy operators in the development and submission of a safety case. - Petroleum and geothermal energy operations guides
Guides to support and assist onshore and offshore petroleum, pipeline and geothermal energy operators to meet their commitments under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and Work Health and Safety (Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Operations) Regulations 2022. - Human factors for major hazard facility, petroleum and geothermal energy operations information sheets