Elevating work platforms (EWP) are mobile platforms that lift or lower people and equipment from a base support using a:

  • hinged device
  • articulated device
  • combination of hinged and articulated devices. 

Workers need a high risk work (HRW) licence to operate a boom-type EWP, where the length of the boom is 11m or more. 

You must see their licence (or written evidence) before you let them do this work. For other types of EWPs, you must still make sure the workers operating them know how to operate them safely with the right training, information and instruction. 

Construction work that uses an EWP is likely to be defined as high risk construction work. That means you’ll need to complete a safe work method statement (SWMS) before you start and ensure all work is in line with the SWMS.

Further information

Safe Work Australia

Elevating Work Platform Association of Australia
