This section contains a list of health and safety project reports produced by WorkSafe Mines Safety.
- A study of Nano Diesel Particulate Matter (nDPM) behaviour and physico-chemical changes in underground hard rock mines of Western Australia
This report assesses the applicability of tracer gas technology as a tool to study diesel exhaust flow behaviour and source contribution in an underground hard rock mine. - Baseline results for psychosocial harm audits of mining operations, and petroleum and major hazard facilities
This report summarises audit information collected from mining operations, and petroleum and major hazard facilities from February to October 2016. The report aims to provide those operating in WA mines with a simple tool to assist in developing a mental health plan and help assess their existing arrangements for managing psychosocial risks in the workplace. - Critical review of recent diesel exhaust exposure health impact research relevant to the underground hardrock mining industry
This report consolidates the research findings relevant to setting appropriate diesel exhaust emission exposure limits, with a specific focus on newer engine and after treatment technologies. - Enough is Enough: progress report
This progress report delivers responses to Parliamentary Inquiry into sexual harassment of women in the fly-in, fly-out mining industry. - Gender and safety in mining
This report responds to a number of cultural and human behavioural issues relating to gender that affect safety on mine sites. - How tough are we now? A report for WorkSafe Mines Safety
This report provides the findings of a Roadshow run by the WorkSafe Mines Safety to explore existing practices for managing psychosocial risks in the mining industry in Western Australia. It offers recommendations for mining companies and for WorkSafe intended to address gaps in current systems and practices for dealing with psychosocial hazards in the industry. - Toughness in the workplace: Roadshow report
This report responds to a number of cultural and human behavioural issues relating to gender that affect safety on min sites.
Note: Email if you require a copy of the Safety behaviour survey of the WA mining industry 2022 report and recommendations.