Guidelines provide more information on the requirements of legislation and detail good practice. Although some guidance material was prepared by previous departments and divisions, the content is still valid.
- Dealing with bullying at work
- Development of an operating manual for tailings storage
- Diesel transport, storage and refuelling underground
- Effective safety and health supervision in Western Australian mining operations
- Emergency preparedness for underground fires in metaliferrous mines
- Fitness for mine rescue personnel
- Foam fire suppression systems on mine vehicles
- Geotechnical considerations in open pit mines
- Geotechnical considerations in underground mines
- Ground control management in Western Australian mining operations
- Health surveillance guidance – Lead (inorganic)
- Isolation of hazardous energies associated with plant in Western Australian mining operations
- Management and prevention of heat stress
- Management of diesel emissions in Western Australian mining operations
- Management of fibrous minerals in Western Australian mining operations
- Management of noise in Western Australian mining operations
- Managing naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)
- Open pit mining through underground workings
- Personnel access to heavy mining machinery
- Prevention of fires in underground mines
- Purchase, operation and maintenance of underground diesel engined mining equipment
- Railway vehicle drivers (loco drivers) medical fitness
- Refuge chambers in underground mines
- Safety bund walls around abandoned open pit mines
- Safety management of underground combustible sulphide dust
- Tyre safety for earth-moving machinery on Western Australia mining operations
- Underground barring down and scaling
- Underground ventilation (metalliferrous mines)
- Vertical opening safety practice in underground mines
- Working at height in underground mines