WorkSafe has produced the following work health and safety pamphlets and flyers that you can download and use at your workplace.

Dangerous goods safety

Mines safety matters pamphlets

WorkSafe has produced a series of pamphlets that provide advice on identifying hazards, assessing risk and making the changes for a range of mining health and safety topics.

Safety in the community

  • Old mine workings: Pamphlet
    This pamphlet outlines the hazards of abandoned mine workings. Abandoned mine workings are part of the heritage of Western Australia. Workings can be found in and around towns and cities and the resultant rough terrain can be attractive to trail bike and motor cross riders. For prospectors and fossickers, the attraction is discovering mineral wealth or samples. Old workings and town sites are also a lucrative source of historic paraphernalia for collectors and dealers.
  • Prospecting in remote areas: Pamphlet
    This pamphlet is a guide on planning your prospecting trip in Western Australia. Prospecting is a popular pastime in Western Australia, with everyone from tourists to professional prospectors taking part. The activity can take people to areas just outside regional centres to remote parts of the State, and for a day trip to weeks away at a time.
