These guidance notes are designed for businesses that transport security sensitive ammonium nitrate (SSAN). This may include manufacturers, the mining industry, agricultural and mining suppliers, importers and exporters. Primary producers who transport SSAN only in quantities under 5 tonnes should consult Guidance Note No.3: Agricultural Use.
A security permit is not required to transport less than 20 kg of SSAN.
These guidance notes address security issues. Transport of SSAN must also meet safety requirements outlined in the Australian Dangerous Goods Code or Occupational Health and Safety requirements, as appropriate. You should also take note of relevant material safety data sheets.
These guidelines refer principally to transport by road and rail. For transport by sea, Australian flagged ships are likely to have a security plan under the Commonwealth Maritime Transport Security Act 2003 (MTSA) and foreign flagged ships should have a security plan under the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code and Safety of Life at Sea Convention.