The use of explosives to break rock is an intrinsically hazardous process. On a mine or quarry site the potential hazards are increased by the need to manage the blasting procedure to protect mine personnel, contractors and the general public from exposure to foreseeable, if unintended, adverse consequences of a blast.
Adverse consequences may include, but not be limited to, one or any combination of the following scenarios:
- persons inadvertently at risk from flying rock generated by the blast
- persons at risk from fumes generated by the blast
- persons at risk from misfired blastholes
- persons carrying out tasks other than blasting with workplaces inside an area subject to blasting effects
- electrical storms arriving when a blast is ready to fire
- unauthorised persons unintentionally driving or walking inside a blasting zone
- blast effects extending outside the mine boundaries.
This Code has been developed to provide practical guidance on meeting regulatory requirements on mine safety. In the event of any conflict between this Code and regulatory requirements the regulations shall always take precedence.