This code of practice is written to accommodate diverse mining scenarios from small sandpits and quarries through to deep underground or large surface operations with extensive mine workings.
The code is structured to support a risk management approach to ground control through the development and maintenance of a ground control management plan (GCMP) and related safe systems of work. The following elements are integral for effective ground control management:
- safe design incorporating a well-integrated geotechnical database, and design processes and concepts
- correct design implementation, and ongoing performance monitoring, review and updating of ground control strategies throughout the life of the mine
- communication, training and supervision relevant to mining tasks associated with ground control.
The Ground control management in Western Australian mining operations: Guideline provides further detail about control measures that mine operators can take to eliminate or mitigate hazards associated with unplanned ground movement. It covers, among other things, the development, implementation and maintenance of a GCMP and related safe systems of work.