Health and Safety Bulletin No. 17 Falls through fragile roofs and roof openings

Last updated: 24 February 2025

In 2024, there have been three fatal incidents relating to workers falling through fragile roof materials or roof openings, while either replacing roofing sheets or while cleaning roofs and gutters.

  • In August 2024, a worker fell through a fragile (plastic type) roofing sheet while replacing fragile roofing sheets on a large shed.
  • In October 2024, a roof plumber fell through the roof of a factory unit while replacing sheets with plastic type roofing sheets.
  • In October 2024, a worker was cleaning gutters and roof tiles at a residential property when he fell through the fragile roofing sheet of a patio.

In the last three years, WorkSafe has also received notification of several serious incidents relating to workers falling from roofs or through fragile roofing sheets of patios. These incidents have resulted in serious injuries to workers, including fractures and spinal injuries.

Fragile roof materials may include acrylic, polycarbonate or other plastic roofing sheets, glass sheets, asbestos and other fibre cement roofing sheets, corroded metal sheets, skylights and other roofing materials that are not load bearing.