When lifting, lowering or suspending loads, PCBUs and other duty holders must ensure that:
- they have consulted with workers, including contractors to identify hazards and manage risks associated with this task
- workers are given information, training and instruction on the hazards, risks and control measures
- workers have the correct licence for the work, if necessary
- work is planned, and designated lifting areas, landing areas, paths of travel and exclusions zones are identified
- when determining the size of exclusion zones, all risks arising in relation to the work are considered
- the plant, any attachments and lifting components (such as chain slings, synthetic slings and hooks) are suitable for the load
- all plant and lifting components are rated to lift the load
- lifting components are protected from sharp corners of the load
- the plant and lifting method selected is suitable for the load and the load remains stable throughout the activity, never causing loads to swing
- the weight and centre of gravity of the load is known
- the working environment is considered, including temperature, heat sources (e.g. weld spatter), chemical use (corrosive environments), power lines and other obstructions
- loads are never moved or suspended over a person
- all lifting components are visually inspected before each use, and tested according to the manufacturer’s instructions and in-line with any relevant Australian Standard recommendations
- damaged or worn equipment is never used
- work is appropriately supervised to ensure that safe systems of work are followed
- a safe work method statement or lifting plan is prepared
- lifting components are stored in a clean and dry location
- lifting slings are never dropped, thrown down or dragged
- personal protective equipment is provided and workers are trained in its use and maintenance.