Mines Safety Bulletin No. 137 Hazards associated with helicopter lifting operations

Last updated: 17 March 2025


Mine sites and exploration activities may require helicopters to conduct lifting operations. The use of helicopters for lifting and transporting equipment requires an understanding of the dynamic forces applied during the lift and the required working load-limits of the lifting system.

Summary of hazard

During helicopter lifting operations, additional dynamic forces are exerted on the slinging equipment during the flight. These forces may be due to:

  • banking or manoeuvring of the helicopter
  • changes in helicopter travel speed
  • wind and weather conditions (e.g. turbulence)
  • potential aerodynamic effects from the load.

These additional dynamic forces may cause damage or failure of the lifting equipment, which can potentially result in loss of control of the helicopter and/or the load.

Contributory factors

  • Ground crew and helicopter pilot not taking into account the dynamic forces that may be encountered during the lifting operation (e.g. slinging the load for static lift operations only).