Mines Safety Bulletin No. 146 Contact with workers or equipment by excavators

Last updated: 19 March 2025


Since 2015, two workers have been seriously injured through contact with an excavator while it was being utilised as a crane. In both instances, the controls for the bucket, boom or dipper arm of the excavator were inadvertently or incorrectly activated while the workers were within the slew radius.

Additionally, there have been three reported incidents of personnel working within the slew radius of an operating excavator, and two where light vehicles, having entered the working radius, were damaged by contact with the excavator.

Summary of hazard

The unintended movement of the bucket, boom or dipper arm on an excavator can result in:

  • a serious or fatal injury
  • instability of the excavator
  • damage to equipment.

Contributory factors

  • Inadequate communication with mobile plant operators.
  • Workers and vehicles in the line-of-fire of an operating excavator.
  • Failure to follow the original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM's) operating instructions, including application of the hydraulic lock-out lever to lock the controls and prevent inadvertent movement of the bucket, boom or dipper arm.