Mines Safety Significant Incident Report No. 222 Worker seriously injured by falling jib attachment on integrated tool carrier (IT)

Last updated: 11 March 2025

An integrated tool carrier (IT) with a jib attachment was being used to lift a boat from a trailer into the water. The operation required the telescopic jib section to be extended manually by the offsider, but a build-up of fine material in the jib segments caused the jib to jam. In an attempt to dislodge the fine material, the operator of the IT raised the attachment with the jib angled downwards while the offsider struck the jib with a hammer.

The offsider was beneath the jib when the jib attachment detached from the IT and fell. His injuries included fractured vertebrae, broken ribs and a punctured lung.

Left: IT with jib angled down. Right: Jib attachment with locking pins not engaged.
Left: IT with jib angled down. Right: Jib attachment with locking pins not engaged.

Direct causes

  • The offsider was positioned beneath the raised jib.
  • It appears that the IT was being operated while the jib attachment locking pins were not fully engaged. 

Contributory causes

  • The hazards associated with unjamming the jib attachment had not been identified through either a risk assessment of the task or consulting the manufacturer's instructions. 
  • The design and configuration of the IT and jib attachment did not allow for visual confirmation of engagement of the locking pins. There was also no mechanical or electronic indicator fitted to confirm that the hydraulic pins were fully engaged.
  • The IT with a jib attached was not fit-for-purpose.
  • The operator had not been trained and assessed as competent to operate the IT with the jib attached.