Safety alert 10/2011 - Unloading Multi Trailer Tip Trucks

Last updated: 20 April 2016

A worker sustained multiple broken bones in his right leg, dislocated right hip, a broken right arm and damage to his right hand after being run over by the first set of wheels of a dolly of a multiple trailer tip truck.

The worker was walking down the passenger side of the multiple trailer tip truck (road train) on an open grid to assist in the unloading process. He was walking through grain about 550mm deep. The grain was being held back between a concrete apron (590mm high) and the wheels of the road train.

As the road train moved forward to unload the dolly, the grain held back by the wheels quickly dissipated, causing the worker to lose his balance and fall forward. He landed on the moving grain, which drew him under the wheels of the oncoming dolly. 

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