Storage, handling and production of hydrogen: Guide

Last updated: 03 February 2025

This guide is designed to assist all persons who store, handle or produce hydrogen gas and liquid within Western Australia (WA) to understand what is required from a dangerous goods safety perspective.

Hydrogen is a highly flammable gas that is often stored under high pressure. It is vital that hydrogen facilities and installations are correctly designed, built, operated and maintained so that risk is minimised to people, property and the environment.


The use of hydrogen as a fuel is an emerging industry. WA is positioning itself to be a significant global producer, exporter and user of renewable hydrogen. Significant capital expenditure and infrastructure investment has been committed by industry and the State and Commonwealth Governments, which has seen a number of major hydrogen projects being proposed within WA.

The Chief Dangerous Goods Officer considers the use of hydrogen as a fuel to be a new and novel application. Therefore, the assessment of licence applications for hydrogen storage, handling and production will be applied with a high level of rigour proportionate to the complexity of the facility.

The safe storage, transport and handling of gaseous and liquefied hydrogen is controlled by the Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 (DGS Act) and associated regulations.