Mining operations are encouraged to use this audit to assess their business practices, and identify areas for improvement, to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces.
The scope of the ‘traffic management fundamentals’ audit is designed to provide an efficient assessment of important traffic management fundamentals and to complement the suite of four ‘mobile equipment’ audits covering traffic management safety at mining operations.
The four ‘traffic management and mobile equipment’ audits are designed to cover in detail operating standards associated with the management of traffic and mobile equipment in mine operations. The four ‘traffic management and mobile equipment’ audits are:
- Part 1: Traffic management
- Part 2: Mining operations and mobile equipment selection
- Part 3: Surface and underground operations with site deliveries
- Part 4: Management of mobile equipment maintenance
The purpose of this audit is to assist with:
- Completing an assessment on a site in one day
- Quickly evaluating a site’s compliance in regard to minimum traffic management standards
- Guiding the person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) on the priority for conducting a more detailed assessment using the other ‘traffic management and mobile equipment’ audits
- Providing a basic traffic management audit for smaller sites with a low risk profile for traffic management.