The State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) is an independent body that reviews a wide range of government decisions and determines disputes. SAT’s jurisdiction extends to guardianship and administration, equal opportunity, vocational regulation, resources and development, including town planning, and commercial and civil disputes.

What claims can be dealt with at the Tribunal?

Under section 67 of the Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004, a person who does not like a decision that is reviewable (e.g. safety report) may apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision.

A reviewable decision is:

  • a decision made under Part 4 of the Act by the Chief Dangerous Goods Officer (exemptions)
  • a direction given under section 46(2) of the Act by the Chief Dangerous Goods Officer (approved auditor)
  • a decision made under section 54 of the Act by the Chief Dangerous Goods Officer (direction or notice)
  • a decision made under the dangerous goods safety regulations by the Chief Dangerous Goods Officer in relation to an application for, or in relation to authorisation, licence, registration, permit and other approval.

Request for cancellation of amendment of a dangerous goods remediation notice

To request the cancellation or amendment of a dangerous goods remediation notice, contact a Dangerous Goods Officer by emailing

How is a matter referred to the Tribunal?

Applications for all matters to the Tribunal are made through the eCourts portal. The State Administrative Tribunal has more details on referrals and lodging applications. 

Learn more about the State Administrative Tribunal processes


For enquiries contact the State Administrative Tribunal directly.

State Administrative Tribunal
Level 6, State Administrative Tribunal Building
565 Hay Street

Phone: (08) 9219 3111
Phone: 1300 306 017 (cost of a local call)
