Applying for an approval number

The department wants to ensure that the transport of dangerous goods is undertaken with minimal risks to the community.

The technical requirements for vehicles designed to carry dangerous goods are contained in Australian Dangerous Goods Code and the Dangerous Goods Safety (Road and Rail Transport of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007. All road tank vehicles and rail tank wagons intended for the transport of dangerous goods of Classes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 require an approval number.

The design of a tank that forms part of or is used on a tank vehicle must be approved by the Department or an equivalent interstate competent authority before it can be used for the transport of dangerous goods.

Note: The approval number is approving the design of the road tank vehicle only. Once built the road tank vehicles will also need dangerous goods vehicle licences.

Are similar approval numbers from elsewhere recognised?

Tank vehicles with a current approval number issued by another competent authority from other States or Territories of Australia may not require a Western Australia (WA) approval number. If you are in this category, check the approval letter issued by the competent authority to ensure it is current and valid for your circumstances for use in WA.

Approvals or standards received from other agencies and authorisations

Evidence of approvals or proof of compliancy with standards received from other agencies or authorities must be submitted with the application form.

Examples of when this is required, is as follows:

  • Example 1: For a LP Gas Tanker documentation, showing the vessel is compliant with AS1210 SAA Unfired Pressure Vessels Code.
  • Example 2: For Bitumen Tanker documentation, showing approval by Energy Safety for a LP Gas system.
    Professional engineers report

An application for approval of tank design must demonstrate compliance with applicable standards and codes that are relevant to the type of tank and vehicle, and the classes and types of dangerous goods intended to transport, as per Table 1 below.

Table 1. The relevant parts of AS 2809 for road thank vehicles
StandardType of dangerous goods
AS 2809 – Part 1Part 1 applies to all road tank vehicles, in addition to the requirements of the applicable Part 2 – 6 according to the type of goods
AS 2809 – Part 2Flammable liquids
AS 2809 – Part 3Liquefied compressed gases
AS 2809 – Part 4Toxic or corrosive liquids or ammonium nitrate emulsion, suspension or gel cargoes.
The correct Type of tank (1-5)* under the Part should be selected according to the properties of the dangerous goods to be transported.
AS 2809 – Part 5Bitumen-based products
AS 2809 – Part 6Cryogenic gases and liquids

* Where AS2809 Part 4 specifies a Type 2 tank, a Type 1 tank may also be used. 
* Where AS2809 Part 4 specifies a Type 4 tank, a Type 5 tank may also be used.
1. For rail tank wagons – such codes or standards as are acceptable to the authority responsible for rail safety and the Department. Until a recognised Australian standard or national code of practice covering the design of rail tank wagons is published, it is recommended that the tank designs comply with standards applicable in North America or Europe.
2. For pressure vessels – AS 1210
3. For tanks to transport anhydrous ammonia – AS 2022

Professional engineer's declaration

The professional engineer must complete and sign a declaration to certify the design has been examined and is in accordance with the requirements of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code and AS 2809.

The signed Professional engineer's declaration must be attached with the Application for approval of tank design at time of submission.

Required supporting information

Before completing and lodging your application ensure you have high quality images of the following documents:

  • An image of detailed drawings of the tank and vehicle showing how the tank will form part of, or be attached to the vehicle.
  • An image of the written report prepared and signed by a professional engineer containing clause-by-clause information and calculations relevant to whether the tank and vehicle is in accordance with AS 2809, or another code or standard intended to manufacture the tank.
  • Image of the completed and signed Professional engineer's declaration.
  • An image of evidence from other approvals or standards.

Application fee

The fee is paid online through the departmental submissions portal. MasterCard and Visa are accepted forms of payment.

For information regarding application and renewal fees please see Schedule of fees and charges.
