Hazards information for farms

Last updated: 20 February 2025

The first step in risk management is to identify workplace hazards. This means looking for those things that have the potential to cause harm. Harm can be short or long term and may adversely affect the health and safety of workers, property, the environment, and community relationships.

Hazards can be identified through one or more of the following activities:

  • routine hazard and housekeeping inspections
  • information provided by manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and substances
  • investigation of incidents and accidents
  • accessing WorkSafe safety alerts, news bulletins and annual incident data reports
  • when introducing new equipment or processes, and changes to existing equipment or processes
  • as part of the review process for existing plans and procedures.

Once hazards have been identified, it is important that they are documented appropriately in order to manage the controls effectively over time.

Use the farm safety checklist to assess your farm for workplace risks and hazards. It has been developed to provide information and assistance to employers, self-employed persons, persons having control of workplaces and employees working on farms.

Here are some of the main hazards found on most farms. This list will be updated as new guidance becomes available.

Other hazards
