Step 4 - Monitor and review

Last updated: 05 August 2020

You should allocate regular times to review how well your safety action plan is working and update it when necessary. In addition, when there is new equipment or procedures, the risk assessment may need to be revised if something new introduces new risks. A good way to do this is to talk to your workers about the possible change.

At this stage, hazard reporting procedure should also be reinforced. You should encourage all the workers to report any hazards and action should be taken immediately to deal with them.

You should also dedicate time to conduct workplace inspections at regular intervals to enable you to identify hazards that have not been picked up during a normal working day.

In some cases you may need to bring in outside expertise to help setting up a safety system. An independent workplace safety and health professional from a reputable company or a workplace safety and health advisor from your trade association may be able to assist you with this. It is good practice to every 2-3 years have an audit of your safety systems and monitor or check how you are complying with the law. 
