WorkSafe Plan: General information for assessors

Last updated: 16 December 2024

This page contains information for WorkSafe Plan assessors including, rate calculators, industry lost time injury benchmarks and the method WorkSafe Plan certificates of achievement are processed.

Processing of applications for WorkSafe Plan certificates of achievement

WorkSafe Plan assessments that are required to be assessed by WorkSafe for the awarding of Certificates of Achievement should be submitted electronically to

We aim to process submissions for WorkSafe Plan certificates within 30 working days from the date the submission is received by WorkSafe to approval by the WorkSafe Commissioner.

If the application is successful WorkSafe will arrange presentation of the certificate with the organisation. The format of presentation is decided by the organisation. If the organisation wishes to arrange a workplace event to celebrate their success, subject to availability, the WorkSafe Commissioner may be available to present the certificate.

Audit of assessors’ procedure

Assessors in submitting assessments for consideration of Certificates of Achievement accept that WorkSafe reserves the right to randomly audit their WorkSafe Plan assessments to maintain a high rate of consistency between assessors. For auditing purposes, assessors agree to cooperate with the appointed auditor and provide access to relevant documents in their possession.

With the exception of information required by WorkSafe for the purposes of issuing WorkSafe Plan Certificates of Achievement, or for auditing purposes as described above, assessors must agree to maintain confidentiality of information provided to them by their clients.

Auditing ensures quality and consistency:

  • in accordance with WorkSafe's standards
  • for the organisations receiving WorkSafe Plan certificates
  • between assessors.

The  audit criteria will be checking that the assessors has:

  • understood the requirements of the indicators
  • correctly recorded evidence and that information has been collected via examination of documents, interview of personnel and observation of work practices
  • adequately demonstrated the links between documented systems and procedures and actual conditions and practices at the workplace
  • consistently applied the correct principles when rating each indicator
  • adequately justified why each indicator has been scored as high/low as he/she did and why it couldn’t be scored any higher
  • adequately identified the sources of information (documents, interviews, observations) for each indicator
  • adequately assessed the safety and health management systems at the organisation in line with the key elements of the WorkSafe Plan assessment
  • correctly established the overall level of performance of an organisation and their eligibility for a WorkSafe Plan certificate of achievement.

If an audit shows that the WorkSafe Plan assessment is not satisfactory the assessor may be required to undertake remedial action in the form of mentoring or further training. Further training requirements would be agreed between WorkSafe and the assessor.

