Our collection of PowerPoint presentations is available to use in your workplace or if you want to revisit a workshop you attended.
- Applying Professor Quinlan's Ten pathways to death and disaster in WA's mining industry
WorkSafe Mines Safety and Professor Michael Quinlan, author of Ten Pathways to Death and Disaster hosted a series of free, interactive workshops on fatality prevention in the mining industry in August 2023. - Developing resilient safety and health cultures (2011)
This presentation contains information on how to develop resilient safety and health cultures. - Exposure to nDPM and health impacts in underground hard rock miners in WA (2019)
This presentation is based on content presented at the Nano diesel particulate matter forum in July 2019 - Fatigue, shift structures and working hours (2013)
This presentation explains what fatigue is, how to prevent and manage fatigue and how to manage shift schedules to manage the risks of shift work. - How can a company's safety culture play a role in safety outcomes? (2016)
This presentation discusses how Human Factors relate to safety culture in the workplace. - Mentally healthy workplaces - it's about safety too (2019)
This presentation is based on content presented at the 2019 Mines Safety Roadshow in October 2019. - Nodding off - what rest works? (2009)
This presentation looks at the importance of rest and what rest works. - Prevention and management of fatigue in the workplace (2012)
This presentation is a guide to the prevention and management of fatigue in the workplace. - Regulator’s role in supporting positive cultural change to enhance safety management in mining (2013)
This presentation explains the regulator's role in supporting positive cultural change to enhance safety management in mining. - Safety culture - Part 1: Integrating human factors and safety management systems (2007)
This presentation contains information for integrating human factors and safety management systems explains a systems approach to human error management. - Safety culture - Part 2: What does safety culture mean for mining? (2007)
This presentation explains what safety culture in Australian mining is, active failures, changing the safety culture and fallibility management. - Safety culture - Part 3: Safety culture in practice in Australian mining (2007)
This presentation examines the issues that face the Australian mining industry in terms of building safety cultures in the workplace, and what it means in practical term. - Study of nDPM behaviour and physio-chemical changes in underground hard rock mines of WA - part A (2019)
Study of nDPM behaviour and physio-chemical changes in underground hard rock mines of WA - part A (2019) - Study of nDPM behaviour and physio-chemical changes in underground hard rock mines of WA - part B (2019)
This presentation is based on content presented at the Nano diesel particulate matter forum in July 2019.
Petroleum and geothermal energy operations
- Key learnings in human factors from the aviation industry
This presentation is based on content presented at the 2016 Human factors forum.