Codes of practice and standards are approved and gazetted by the Minister for Mines and Petroleum under section 20 of the Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 (the Act).
Codes of practice and standards issued under the Act may also apply to mining and petroleum operations and major hazard facilities.
Codes of practice are supplementary to requirements under the Acts and regulations. They are intended to supplement such requirements in a uniform way and, as far as possible, clarify any ambiguity or uncertainty in the Acts and regulations. Codes of practice also set out requirements and recommendations on aspects that are not explicitly covered by regulations.
These requirements and recommendations are based on industry best practice and are developed in consultation with industry, unions and the public. They are usually consistent with Australian and international standards, international guides and codes, and advice from regulatory authorities.
Although codes of practice do not have the scope for fines or other prosecution actions, they may contain specific applications of the Act or regulations.
There are some approved codes and standards for the dangerous goods safety legislation that are prescriptive either in part or in their entirety and are referenced in the relevant regulations either directly or indirectly. These prescriptive codes and standards must be followed. For all other approved codes, compliance is not mandatory.
Prescribed codes of practice and standards
For a list of prescribed codes of practice and standards see WA Government Gazette 28 August 2020, No. 143.
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Safe Work Australia
National guidance notes supporting the COAG agreement of 25 June 2004 against terrorism use of ammonium nitrate
Australasian Explosives Industry Safety Group
The goal of the AEISG is to continuously improve the level of safety throughout our industry in the manufacture, transport, storage, handling and use of, precursors and explosives in commercial blasting throughout Australia.
- AS/NZS 1020 The control of undesirable static electricity
- AS 1210 Pressure vessels
- AS 1345 Identification of the contents of pipes, conduits and ducts
- AS 1375 Industrial fuel-fired appliances
- AS 1530.4 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures — Fire-resistance test of elements of construction
- AS/NZS 1596 The storage and handling of LP Gas
- AS 1692 Steel tanks for flammable and combustible liquids
- AS/NZS 1716 Respiratory protective devices
- AS 1768 Lightning protection
- AS/NZS 1850 Portable fire extinguishers — classification, rating and performance testing
- AS 1851 Routine service of fire protection systems and equipment
- AS 1894 The storage and handling of non-flammable cryogenic and refrigerated liquids
- AS 1915 Electric equipment for explosive atmospheres — Battery operated vehicles
- AS 1939 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures of electrical equipment (IP code)
- AS 1940 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids
- AS/NZS 2022 Anhydrous ammonia—Storage and handling
- AS/NZS 2106 Methods for the determination of the flashpoint of flammable liquids (closed cup)—Abel closed cup method
- AS 2118 Automatic fire sprinkler systems—General systems
- AS 2187.1 Explosives—Storage, transport and use—Storage
- AS/NZS 2243.1 Safety in laboratories—Planning and operational aspects
- AS/NZS 2243.2 Safety in laboratories—Chemical aspects
- AS/NZS 2243.8 Safety in laboratories—Fume cupboards
- AS/NZS 2243.10 Safety in laboratories—Storage of chemicals
- AS 2337 Gas cylinder test stations (all parts)
- AS 2359 Powered industrial trucks (all parts), including part 12 Hazardous areas
- AS 2441 Installation of fire hose reels
- AS 2507 The storage and handling of agricultural and veterinary chemicals
- AS 2714 The storage and handling of organic peroxides
- AS 2809 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods (all Parts)
- AS 2832 Cathodic protection of metals (all parts)
- AS 2865 Confined spaces
- AS 2885 Pipelines—Gas and liquid petroleum (all parts)
- AS 2896 Medical gas systems—Installation and testing of non-flammable medical gas pipeline systems
- AS/NZS 2906 Fuel containers—Portable—plastic and metal
- AS 2927 The storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas
- AS 3745 Planning for emergencies in facilities
- AS 3780 The storage and handling of corrosive substances
- AS/NZS 3788 Pressure equipment—In-service inspection
- AS/NZS 3833 The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods in packages and intermediate bulk containers
- AS 3846 The handling and transport of dangerous cargoes in port areas
- AS 3873 Pressure equipment—Operation and maintenance
- AS 3961 The storage and handling of liquefied natural gas
- AS 3978 Non-destructive testing—visual inspection of metal products and components
- AS 4041 Pressure piping
- AS/NZS 4081 The storage and handling of liquid and liquefied polyfunctional isocyanates
- AS 4289 Oxygen and acetylene gas reticulation systems
- AS 4326 The storage and handling of oxidizing agents (note that AS 4326 is not applicable to solid ammonium nitrate. For the safe storage of solid ammonium nitrate
- AS 4332 The storage and handling of gases in cylinders
- AS/NZS 4452 The storage and handling of toxic substances
- AS/NZS 4645.2 Gas distribution networks—Steel pipe systems
- AS/NZS 4681 Storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous goods and articles
- AS/NZS 4745 Code of practice for handling combustible dusts
- AS 4775 Emergency eye wash and shower equipment
- AS/NZS 4801 Occupational health and safety management systems—Specification with guidance for use
- AS 4839 The safe use of portable and mobile oxy-fuel gas systems for welding, cutting, heating and allied processes
- AS 4971 Inspection and integrity monitoring of large steel vertical petroleum storage tanks
- AS 4976 The removal and disposal of underground petroleum storage tanks
- AS 4977 Petroleum products—Pipeline, road tanker compartment and underground tank identification
- AS 4979 Flammable and combustible liquids—Precautions against electrostatic ignition during tank vehicle loading
- AS/NZS 5026 The storage and handling of Class 4 dangerous goods
- AS 5092 CNG refuelling stations
- AS/NZS 5149 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps—Safety and environmental requirements (consisting of four standards)
- AS ISO 31000 Risk management—Guidelines
- AS/NZS 60079.10.1 Explosive atmospheres—Classification of areas—Explosive gas atmospheres
- AS/NZS 60079 Explosive atmospheres (all parts)
- AS 61508 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems (all parts)
- AS IEC 61511.1 Functional safety—Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector — Framework, definitions, systems, hardware and software requirements
- AS IEC 61511.2 Functional safety—Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector — Guidelines for the application of AS IEC 61511.1
- AS IEC 61511.3 Functional safety—Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector — Guidance for the determination of the required safety integrity levels
- AS IEC 61882 Hazard and operability studies (HAZOP studies)—Application guide
Copies of the Australian Standards are available to purchase from Standards Australia.
The following codes of practice are available from Asia Industrial Gases Association.
- AIGA 051/08 Code of Practice Phosphine (harmonised publication)
- AIGA 050/08 Code of Practice Arsine (harmonised publication)
- AIGA 081/13 Safe practices for the storage and handling of nitrous oxide (harmonised publications)
- AIGA 022/13 Code of Practice Acetylene
- AIGA 068/10 Carbon dioxide (harmonised publication)
The following standards can be purchased from the American Petroleum Institute (API).
- API RP 521 Guide for pressure relieving and depressuring systems
- API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-for-service
- API RP580 Risk-based inspection
- API RP581 Risk-based inspection technology
- API 620 Design and construction of large, welded, low-pressure storage tanks
- API 650 Welded steel tanks for oil storage
- API 652 Lining of aboveground petroleum storage tank bottoms
- API 653 Tank inspection, repair, alteration and reconstruction
- API RP 752 Management of hazards associated with location of process plant permanent buildings
- API RP 753 Management of hazards associated with location of process plant portable buildings.
The following standards can be purchased from the Steel Tank Institute, USA.
- SP001 Standard for the inspection of aboveground storage tanks
- F921 Standard for aboveground tanks with integral secondary containment
The following standards can be purchased from the Underwriters Laboratories, USA.
- UL 142 Standard for steel aboveground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids
- UL 971 Standard for nonmetallic underground piping for flammable liquids.