Health and safety alerts suggest practical measures to assist in reducing the risk. Significant incident summary Significant Incident Summary No. 1 Employee suffers burn injury from aerosol can dropped in deep fryerSignificant Incident Summary No. 2 Scaffolder falls and is injured while carrying out high risk construction workSignificant Incident Summary No. 3 Installing non-original sun visors that reduce field of view: fatal incidentSignificant Incident Summary No. 4 Driver entrapment risk when exiting a bus or coach: fatal incidentSignificant Incident Summary No. 5 Farm worker entangled in rotating machinery: fatal incidentSignificant Incident Summary No. 6 Offshore platform decommissioning near missSignificant Incident Summary No. 7 Working safely around agricultural equipment: Hobbs Hoist fatal incidentSignificant Incident Summary No. 8 Worker drowns while pumping water for roadworks Health and safety bulletin Health and Safety Bulletin No 1 Embrittlement – Serious risk to alloy lifting chain integrity when lifting loads in a corrosive environmentHealth and Safety Bulletin No 2 Lifting, lowering or suspending loadsHealth and Safety Bulletin No 3 Ruptured aluminium air conditioning flushing canistersHealth and Safety Bulletin No 4 Managing drilling breakthroughs in underground miningHealth and Safety Bulletin No 5 Fraudulent qualifications in the WA mining industryHealth and Safety Bulletin No 6 Requirements for flying foxes (zip lines) under the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022Health and Safety Bulletin No 7 Water slide health and safety requirementsHealth and Safety Bulletin No 8 Mobile cranes contacting live overhead power linesHealth and Safety Bulletin No 9 Traffic management on roads and other areas where vehicles and mobile plant operate on a mineHealth and Safety Bulletin No 10 Fatalities caused by falling trailer rampsHealth and Safety Bulletin No 11 Provision and maintenance of automated external defibrillators at workplacesHealth and Safety Bulletin No 12 Asbestos containing flooring materialHealth and Safety Bulletin No 13 Fire doors containing friable asbestos materialHealth and Safety Bulletin No. 14 Bridge crane and scissor lift collision during crane maintenanceHealth and Safety Bulletin No. 15 Hydraulic fluid contamination resulting in uncontrolled movement: elevating work platformsHealth and Safety Bulletin No. 16 Incorrect use of a pipe wrench on a drilling rigHealth and Safety Bulletin No. 17 Falls through fragile roofs and roof openings Safety alert directory Safety alerts issued prior to 31 March 2022General workplacesMinesPetroleum and geothermal energy operations Print Share (Opens in a new tab/window) (Opens in a new tab/window) (Opens in a new tab/window) (Opens in a new tab/window)