Codes of practice
A code of practice provides detailed information on how you can achieve the standards required under work health and safety (WHS) law. Codes of practice do not replace the law, but can help you understand what you need to do to comply with specific regulations and provide a healthy and safe workplace.
Transition arrangements allow for codes of practice approved under the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 to continue being in effect as if approved by the Minister under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020.
List of WHS and transitional codes of practice.
These guides provide more information on the requirements of legislation and detail good practice.
List of mining and exploration safety guides.
Regulator's policies and interpretive guidelines
Framework for how decisions by the regulator and WorkSafe will be made and interpretation of key WHS laws.
Interpretive guidelines describe how the WHS regulator believes key concepts in the WHS Act will operate and provide an indication of how the laws will be enforced.
Regulator's policies support the Statement of Regulatory Intent and provide a framework for how decisions by the regulator and WorkSafe will be made.
List of regulator's policies and interpretive guidelines.
Health and safety alerts
The department publishes significant incident summary and health and safety bulletins on reported incidents and accidents. These safety alerts allow information to be communicated to industry and the public with the hope that similar incidents can be prevented.
Significant incidents summary covers individual incidents or accidents. Health and safety bulletins are produced to highlight safety concerns where there has been a cluster or trend of similar incidents, whether in Western Australia or worldwide.
List of health and safety alerts.
Information sheets
Information sheets provide concise information about legislation, safety and work practices and answers to common questions or how to do instructions.
List of health and safety information sheets.
Pamphlets and flyers
WorkSafe has produced a series of pamphlets and flyers that you can download and use at your workplace. Some of these pamphlets includes mines safety matters pamphlets that provide advice on identifying hazards, assessing risk and making the changes for a range of mining health and safety topics.
List of pamphlets and flyers.
Audit guides and templates
Also known as the mining self-assessment, mining operations are encouraged to use these templates to review their practices and the arrangements in place to manage hazards in the workplace, secure the health and safety of workers and identify areas for improvement.
List of mining self-assessments templates.
A list of health and safety project reports produced by WorkSafe Mines Safety.
List of mining and exploration reports.
WorkSafe has produced a series of posters that you can download and use at your workplace.
List of health and safety posters.
Safety statistics
You can find accident and injury statistical reports, safety performance snapshots and activity indicators for mining and exploration in this section. Analysis of these data are used to drive activities to improve workplace health and safety across the sector.
List of mining and exploration safety statistics.
Toolbox presentations
Our collection of PowerPoint presentations is available to use in your workplace or if you want to revisit a workshop you attended.
List of toolbox presentations.
ThinkSafe magazines
ThinkSafe is WorkSafe’s flagship online magazine for workplace health and safety in Western Australia.
Read the current and previous issues of ThinkSafe magazines.